“Loving the Alien” è il nuovo box set, in uscita il prossimo 12 ottobre, che contiene tutti brani prodotti da David Bowie tra il 1983 ed il 1988.
Gli undici CD o i quindici LP della collezione comprendono tre album in studio – “Let’s Dance” (1983), “Tonight” (1984) e “Never Let Me Down” (1987) – una coppia di dischi stampati per la prima volta in vinile – “Serious Moonlight” (Live ’83) e “Glass Spider” (Live Montreal ’87) – e una nuova compilation intitolata “Dance“, con dodici tracce dell’epoca remixate in chiave contemporanea.
Ecco la tracklist completa di “Loving the Alien” (1983-1988):
Let’s Dance
“Modern Love”
“China Girl”
“Let’s Dance”
“Without You”
“Criminal World”
“Cat People (Putting Out Fire)”
“Shake It”
Serious Moonlight (Live ’83)
“Look Back In Anger”
“What In The World”
“Golden Years”
“Let’s Dance”
“Breaking Glass”
“Life On Mars?”
“Cat People (Putting Out Fire)”
“China Girl”
“Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)”
“Rebel Rebel”
“White Light / White Heat”
“Station To Station”
“Cracked Actor”
“Ashes To Ashes”
“Space Oddity/Band Introduction”
“Young Americans”
“Modern Love”
“Loving The Alien”
“Don’t Look Down”
“God Only Knows”
“Neighborhood Threat”
“Blue Jean”
“Tumble And Twirl”
“I Keep Forgettin”
“Dancing With The Big Boys”
Never Let Me Down
“Day-In Day-Out”
“Time Will Crawl”
“Beat Of Your Drum”
“Never Let Me Down”
“Glass Spider”
“Shining Star (Makin’ My Love)”
“New York’s In Love”
“’87 And Cry”
Never Let Me Down (2018)
“Day-In Day-Out”
“Time Will Crawl”
“Beat Of Your Drum”
“Never Let Me Down”
“Glass Spider”
“Shining Star (Makin’ My Love)” (ft Laurie Anderson)
“New York’s In Love”
“87 & Cry”
“Bang Bang”
Glass Spider (Live Montreal ’87)
“Up The Hill Backwards”
“Glass Spider”
“Day-In Day-Out”
“Bang Bang”
“Absolute Beginners”
“Loving The Alien”
“China Girl”
“Rebel Rebel”
“Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)”
“All The Mad Men”
“Never Let Me Down”
“Big Brother”
“‘87 And Cry”
“Sons Of The Silent Age”
“Time Will Crawl / Band Introduction”
“Young Americans”
“Beat Of Your Drum”
“The Jean Genie”
“Let’s Dance”
“Blue Jean”
“Modern Love”
“Shake It” (Re-mix aka Long Version)
“Blue Jean” (Extended Dance Mix)
“Dancing With The Big Boys” (Extended Dance Mix)
“Tonight” (Vocal Dance Mix)
“Don’t Look Down” (Extended Dance Mix)
“Loving The Alien” (Extended Dub Mix)
“Tumble And Twirl” (Extended Dance Mix)
“Underground” (Extended Dance Mix)
“Day-In Day-Out” (Groucho Mix)
“Time Will Crawl” (Dance Crew Mix)
“Shining Star (Makin’ My Love)” (12″ mix)
“Never Let Me Down” (Dub/Acapella)
Re:Call 4
“Let’s Dance” (Single Version)
“China Girl” (Single Version)
“Modern Love” (Single Version)
“This Is Not America (The Theme From The Falcon And The Snowman)” – David Bowie / Pat Metheny Group
“Loving The Alien” (Re-mixed Version)
“Don’t Look Down” (Re-mixed Version)
“Dancing In The Street” (Clearmountain Mix) – David Bowie and Mick Jagger
“Absolute Beginners” (From Absolute Beginners)
“That’s Motivation” (From Absolute Beginners)
“Volare” (From Absolute Beginners)
“Labyrinth Opening Titles/Underground” (From Labyrinth)
“Magic Dance” (From Labyrinth)
“As The World Falls Down” (From Labyrinth)
“Within You” (From Labyrinth)
“Underground” (From Labyrinth)
“When The Wind Blows” (Single Version) (From When The Wind Blows)
“Day-In Day-Out” (Single Version)
“Beat Of Your Drum” (Vinyl Album Edit)
“Glass Spider” ((Vinyl Album Edit)
“Shining Star (Makin’ My Love)” (Vinyl Album Edit)
“New York’s In Love” (Vinyl Album Edit)
“‘87 And Cry” (Vinyl Album Edit)
“Bang Bang” (Vinyl Album Edit)
“Time Will Crawl” (Single Version)
“Girls” (Extended Edit)
“Never Let Me Down” (7″ Remix Edit)
“Bang Bang” (Live – Promotional Mix)
“Tonight” (Live) – Tina Turner with David Bowie
“Let’s Dance” (Live) – Tina Turner with David Bowie
A cura di Lorenzo Scuotto

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