Home News David Bowie 2020: due nuovi dischi di in uscita

David Bowie 2020: due nuovi dischi di in uscita

by Arianna Orlando

Nel 2020 usciranno due dischi di brani inediti di David Bowie, rilasciati sotto forma di un EP in streaming e di un album fisico per il Record Store Day, ossia il 18 aprile 2020.

L’EP a sei tracce si intitola ” Is it any wonder? ” e la prima canzone, una versione acustica di ” The man who sold the world“, è già disponibile su piattaforme di streaming.

Le restanti cinque canzoni dell’EP verranno rilasciate dall’etichetta discografica Parlophone su base settimanale a partire dal 17 gennaio 2020. La stessa versione di “The man who sold the world” sarà inclusa anche nell’altra uscita, un album di 9 brani intitolato “CHANGESNOWBOWIE“, che sarà pubblicato su LP e CD in edizione limitata durante Record Store Day.

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PARLOPHONE TO ISSUE UNRELEASED BOWIE TRACKS “We spoke of was and when…” It’s likely that some of you have been expecting something on what would have been David Bowie’s 73rd birthday, after announcements on 8th January for the past couple of years. Indeed, if the calendar has clicked over to that date where you are, then you have possibly already found something. Now it’s 8th January in the country of his birth, here’s that announcement… + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + Parlophone Records is proud to announce DAVID BOWIE IS IT ANY WONDER? a six track EP of unreleased and rare tracks to be released over six weeks. The first of these is a previously unreleased version of ‘The Man Who Sold The World’, released today as a streaming-only 1 track digital single in celebration of both David’s birthday and the 50th anniversary of the writing and recording of this classic. Five more songs will be released on a weekly basis from 17th January. ’THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD’ (CHANGESNOWBOWIE VERSION) is taken from the 9-track session ChangesNowBowie, recorded for radio and broadcast by the BBC on David’s 50th birthday on 8th January, 1997. This mostly acoustic session was a stripped back affair featuring some of David’s favourites of his own compositions and was produced by Bowie himself, Reeves Gabrels and Mark Plati. CHANGESNOWBOWIE was recorded and mixed at Looking Glass Studios in New York in November 1996 during rehearsals for David’s 50th birthday concert at Madison Square Garden. Gail Ann Dorsey (bass, vocals), Reeves Gabrels (guitars) and Mark Plati (keyboards and programming) accompanied David on the recording. CHANGESNOWBOWIE will be released in limited quantities on LP and CD for Record Store Day on 18th April, 2020. The cover art for the album will features a portrait of David by renowned photographer Albert Watson, taken in New York in 1996. (See montage for cover) More details will be announced shortly. ~ DAVID BOWIE 'THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD' (CHANGESNOWBOWIE) IS AVAILABLE NOW ON PARLOPHONE ~ DAVID BOWIE CHANGESNOWBOWIE RELEASED ON PARLOPHONE ON 18TH APRIL, 2020 FOR RECORD STORE DAY #BowieIIAW #CHANGESNOWBOWIE

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L’album contiene una sessione live registrata nel novembre 1996 durante le prove del concerto dei cinquantesimo compleanno di Bowie in programma al Madison Square Garden di New York. È stato trasmesso una volta dalla BBC Radio 1 nel Regno Unito nel 1997.

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