Many more will stand here too
I think what I find strange is the way you built me up
Then knocked me down again
Why can’t I just leave the stage?
Maybe that’s because you securely locked me up
Then threw away the key
Please would you find the key
Oh pretty mama
Please won’t you let me go free
I thought I was lucky
I thought that I’d got it made
How could I be so blind?
That I thought led to the straight
You set me on a firmly laid and simple course
Then removed the road
Please help me find my way
Oh pretty mama
Please lead me through the next day
I thought I was lucky
Oh I thought that I’d got it made
How could I be so blind? Oh no

Inside Music è una webzine italiana indipendente nata nel 2017 e dedicata alla musica, che offre notizie aggiornate, live report, interviste esclusive, recensioni di album e approfondimenti. La piattaforma si rivolge agli appassionati di musica, proponendo contenuti dettagliati e di qualità su artisti, concerti e novità del panorama musicale nazionale e internazionale. Visita Inside Music per rimanere sempre aggiornato sulle ultime tendenze e scoperte musicali.